“Communities Connecting” Painting | Mayor Mike Rawlings

Title: “Communities Connecting” Acrylic on canvas | 49” x 45” Artist: Meg Fitzpatrick | 2013

Title: “Communities Connecting”
Acrylic on canvas | 49” x 45”
Artist: Meg Fitzpatrick | 2013

The month of April just ended and began with a bold proclamation from our Mayor, Mike Rawlings. He declared the week of April 7 – 14 as “Dallas Arts Week.” Mayor Rawlings moderated a panel discussion with leaders in the visual, film and performing arts about ways in which the city can attract and keep aspiring and established artists + creative thinkers. The dialogue fittingly took place in the City Performance Hall, located in the Dallas Arts District which is the largest contiguous arts district on the country, with a campus of 68 acres.

Also of cultural significance this month was a program called “Architecture 360.” Every day for 30 days, the Dallas Center for Architecture (DCFA) and the American Institute of Architects (AIA) organized or hosted 30 events about the built-environment.  April has been a wonderful celebration of great architecture and design in Dallas. Tonight closed “Architecture 360” and the month with a Grand Finale celebration on our new deck park, Klyde Warren Park, which has become our town green and meeting place.

“Communities Connecting,” a painting I recently finished, reflects the multiple intersections that interesting communities like Dallas foster over time to be culturally vibrant and attractive to creative thinkers and doers.

Detail of textures in painting, “Communities Connecting”

Detail of textures in painting, “Communities Connecting”

To the month of May and making more neural networks between people, ideas and place….Meg

4 thoughts on ““Communities Connecting” Painting | Mayor Mike Rawlings

  1. Meg, I love your new painting. It is fun to see a different style. I look forward to seeing you next piece!

  2. I love these two paintings so much! I recv this email called New Post and an email called April Blog. Two slightly different formats. In this one I can see both paintings! Thx for doing your blog again. Soon you can tweet us that you have a new blog post up with a link to it. Tell us on your blog to follow you. You’ll be great at it I’m sure!


      Sally Francis PR Dallas, Texas Washington, DC


  3. No wonder you are an architecture docent, among your many other talents.
    Love the multi-colored and textured painting! Stephanie

  4. lovely and symbolic painting. kudos to rawlings and all who participated in the month of design – dallas is well on its way to being great. G

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