Signs of Summer

Memorial Day is behind us. Signs of the June 20th Summer Solstice approaching are abundant, such as…

My little Eastern Screech Owl has flown the coop from the confines of his (or her) tree house.

Adolescent Eastern Screech Owl peeks into my studio. This was the last time I saw my friend before its flight.
(photo: Meg Fitzpatrick)

Replacing owl sightings, I discovered this little bat napping under the patio umbrella outside my studio.

Bats in the belfry
(photo: Meg Fitzpatrick)

Close-up beauty shot: bats do sleep upside down.
(photo: Meg Fitzpatrick)

On Saturday, the City of Dallas hosted its annual Water-wise lectures and landscape tours. Four residences won recognition for their use of drought-resistance plants. These garden yards, plus 14 winners from previous years, were open to the public.

City of Dallas promotes xeriscaping to save water.
(photo: Meg Fitzpatrick)

“Bear’s Breeches” (acanthus mollis) do well in the shade of my backyard, and are considered a “water-wise” plant. Its acanthus leaf pattern was used in classic architecture design to cap Corinthian columns.

Also on Saturday, the White Rock Rowing Club threw an open house where folks could row in shells, test the water (so to speak) and join the club. This is much harder than it looks. Believe me, last time I tried and got quite wet.

Recruiting new club members
(photo: Meg Fitzpatrick)

Taking a spin
(photo: Meg Fitzpatrick)

Well-used oars in the boathouse
(photo: Meg Fitzpatrick)

Summer blockbusters are part of my routine. (Note: I don’t need hot days to see a flick. Movies rule regardless of the season or temperature.). Over the long Memorial Day weekend, I enjoyed Men in Black 3. Josh Brolin joins the franchise and morphs seamlessly into a young Agent K, doing a spot-on mimic of Tommy Lee Jones’ voice, facial expressions and body movements.  Next on my list are Snow White and the Huntsman, and some smaller, more subtle films like The Intouchables and Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom.

Enjoy your week.